Cell Phone and Other Electronic Devices

To ensure a productive educational experience, cell phones are not allowed during school hours except during lunch. It has been shown that students who are on cell phones and other electronic devices in the classroom are not otherwise engaged in learning. To preserve the teaching and learning environment, Sturgis students will be expected to adhere to the following guidelines. 

  1. Students’ cell phones will be off and put away during the hours of 8:20-11:30 and 12:30-3:10.  This includes passing time. Cell phones must be put away prior to entering the classroom. In addition, no cell phone use is allowed when you leave during class to go to the bathroom, nurse, counseling, etc. 
  2. Earbuds/Headphones must also be removed and put away during these same times. These devices cannot be worn or in use during class or passing time.  Wired headphones will be provided by the teacher if required for educational purposes.
  3. Smartwatches may be worn, but the phone features (texting, internet viewing, and calls) are to be off when phone use is prohibited.
  4. The following actions will result if students do not adhere to these expectations.
    1. First Offense: The device(s) will be kept with the Assistant Principal for half a day.  Students may pick up their item(s) at the start of lunch or the end of the day, depending on when it was confiscated as appropriate.
    2. Second Offense: The device(s) will be kept with the Assistant Principal for a full day, including lunch. Parents will be notified and the student may retrieve their item(s) at the end of the day
    3. Third Offense: The device(s) will be kept with the Assistant Principal for the day. The Assistant Principal will contact the parents or guardians and the parents or guardians will be notified that the student must turn in the device to the Assistant Principal for the duration of each school day for the remainder of that week, including lunch.  
    4. Patterns of misuse may result in a longer period phone “check-in” process with the Assistant Principal.If a student has lost cell phone privileges, bringing another cell phone to school will be considered insubordination as outlined in the Sturgis Student Handbook. 
  • Students who refuse to hand over their cell phone or other electronic device will be subject to consequences for insubordination as outlined in the Sturgis Student Handbook and will require a parent meeting to discuss such consequences. 
  • Determined on an individual basis, students with a documented disability that supports a headphone accommodation in their 504 Plan or IEP may be permitted to use noise-canceling headphones and/or listen to music during specific independent work periods or assessments, as outlined in their plans.  

Sturgis shall assume no responsibility for any electronic device or cell phone misplaced, lost, or stolen during school, after school, or any school-related trip or event. 

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